Shows how to use addition to find out whether the money two people have is enough to pay for various items and looks at different coins and bills, from a dime to a twenty-dollar bill.
Shows how to use addition to find out whether the coins two people have are enough to pay for various items and looks at different coins, from a penny to a half dollar.
Shows how to use addition to find out how many dollars one needs to pay for various items and looks at different denominations of dollar bills, from one to one hundred.
Shows how to use subtraction to find out how many dollars one has left after paying for various items and looks at different denominations of dollar bills, from one to one hundred.
Shows how to use subtraction to find out how many coins one has left after paying for various items and looks at different coins, from a penny to a half-dollar.
Shows how to use subtraction to find out how much money one has left after paying for various items and looks at different denominations of money, from a penny to a twenty-dollar bill.