Calling a Secession Convention, November 1860 / Charleston Mercury, (What Shall the South Carolina Legislature Do? November 3, 1860)
Alarms from the South, Illinois, November 1860 / John G Nicolay, (Memoranda Regarding Abraham Lincoln, November 5-6, 1860)
Threat of Secession, November 1860 / New-York Daily Tribune, (Going to Go, November 9, 1860)
Need for Southern Cooperation, November 1860 / Jefferson Davis to Robert Barnwell Rhett Jr, (November 10, 1860)
Debating Secession, Georgia, November 1860 / Benjamin Hill, (Speech at Milledgeville, November 15, 1860)
States cannot exist disunited, November 1860 / New York Daily News, (Right of States to Secede, November 16, 1860)
I am for the Union as it is, Texas, November 1860 / Sam Houston to H M Watkins and others, (November 20, 1860)
Our sore national sickness, New York, November 1860 / George Templeton Strong, (Diary, November 20, November 26-December 1, 1860)
This dangerous game, Missouri, November 1860 / Edward Bates, (Diary, November 22, 1860)
Wicked Spirit of Secession, Tennessee, November 1860 / William G Brownlow to R H Appleton, (November 29, 1860)
Lincoln, and Slavery, December 1860 / Frederick Douglass, (Late Election, December 1860)
Secessionism in Louisiana, December 1860 / William T Sherman to Thomas Ewing Sr and to John Sherman, (December 1, 1860)
Washington, DC, December / James Buchanan, (1860 From the Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1860)
Benefits of Slavery, December 1860 / J D B DeBow, (Non-Slaveholders of the South, December 5, 1860)
Advocating Secession, Georgia, December 1860 / Joseph E Brown to Alfred H Colquitt and others, (December 7, 1860)
Restating positions on slavery, December 1860 / Abraham Lincoln to John A Gilmer, (December 15, 1860)
Rejecting Coercion, December 1860 / New-York Daily Tribune, (Right of Secession, December 17, 1860)
I stand by the Union, December 1860 / Benjamin F Wade, (Remarks in the US Senate, December 17, 1860)
Compromise over Slavery, December 1860 / John J Crittenden, (Remarks in the US Senate, December 18, 1860)
Meanness and rascality, Washington, DC, December 1860 / Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr, (December 18-20, 1860)
Confidential Message, Illinois, December 1860 / John G Nicolay, (Memorandum Regarding Abraham Lincoln, December 22, 1860)
Charleston, December 1860 / (South Carolina Declaration of the Causes of Secession, December 24, 1860)
Occupying Fort Sumter, South Carolina, December 1860 / Abner Doubleday, (From Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-'61)
Terrible revulsion of feeling, South Carolina, December 1860 / Catherine Edmondston, (Diary, December 26-27, 1860)
Urging Kentucky to Secede, December 1860 / Stephen F Hale to Beriah Magoffin, December 27, 1860
Tempest bursting, 1860 / Herman Melville, (Misgivings)
Sad foreboding, Georgia, January 1861 / Mary Jones to Charles C Jones Jr, January 3, 1861
All depends on Virginia, Washington, DC, January 1861 / Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr, January 8, 1861
Jackson, January 1861 / Mississippi Declaration of the Causes of Secession, January 9, 1861
Warlike aspect, Washington, DC, January 1861 / Elizabeth Blair Lee to Samuel Phillips Lee, December 25, January 9-10, 1861
Star of the West, South Carolina, January 1861 / Catherine Edmondston, (Diary, January 9-13, 1861)
Washington, DC, January 1861 / Jefferson Davis, (Farewell Address in the US Senate, January 21, 1861)
Evils of Anarchy and Civil War, January 1861 / Robert E Lee to George Washington Custis Lee, January 23, 1861
Montgomery, Alabama, February / Jefferson Davis, 1861 (Inaugural Address, February 18, 1861)
Hopes for Lincoln's Administration, March 1861 / Frederick Douglass, (The New President, March 1861)
Washington, DC, March 1861 / Abraham Lincoln, (First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861)
That wretch Abraham Lincoln, North Carolina, March 1861 / Catherine Edmondston, (Diary, March 4, 1861)
Vindicating Slavery, Georgia, March 1861 / Alexander H Stephens, (Corner-Stone Speech, March 21, 1861)
Relieving Fort Sumter, Washington, DC, March-April 1861 / Edward Bates. (Diary, March 9-April 8, 1861)
Seward and Fort Sumter, Washington, DC March 1861 / Gideon Welles (Memoir of Events, March 1861)
Challenging Lincoln, Washington, DC, April 1861 / William H Seward, (Memorandum for the President, April 1, 1861)
I must do it, Washington, DC, April 1861 / Abraham Lincoln to William H Seward, April 1, 1861
War Begins, South Carolina, April 1861 / Mary Chesnut, (Diary, April 7-15, 1861)
Bombardment and Surrender, South Carolina, April 1861 / Abner Doubleday, (From Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-'61)
New Yorkers Respond, April 1861 / George Templeton, (Strong Diary, April 13-16, 1861)
Vindicating National Honor, April 1861 / The New York Times, (People and the Issue, April 15, 1861)
Fighting the mad rebellion, April 1861 / Pittsburgh Post, (War Begun-The Duty of American Citizens, April 15, 1861)
Celebration in Charleston, South Carolina, April 1861 / William Howard Russell, (From My Diary North and South, April 17, 1861)
Infidel Enemies, Georgia, April 1861 / Charles C Jones Sr to Charles C Jones Jr, April 20, 1861
Secessionism in Richmond, Virginia, April 1861 / John B Jones, (Diary, April 15-22, 1861)
Baltimore Riot, April 1861 / John W Hanson, (From Historical Sketch of the Old Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers)
I have but one sentiment now, Illinois, April 1861 / Ulysses S Grant to Frederick Dent, April 19, 1861, and to Jesse Root Grant, (April 21, 1861)
Montgomery, Alabama, April 1861 / Jefferson Davis, (Message to the Confederate Congress, April 29, 1861)
Strike down slavery itself, May 1861 / Frederick Douglass, (How to End the War, May 1861)
New York, Spring 1861 / Walt Whitman, (First O Songs for a Prelude)
Strategic Plan, May 1861 / Winfield Scott to George B McClellan, (May 3, 1861)
Life in Army Camp, Michigan, May 1861 / Charles B Haydon, (Diary, May 3-12, 1861)
Predicting a Short War, May 1861 / Ulysses S Grant to Jesse Root Grant, (May 6, 1861)
Life in the Executive Mansion, Washington, DC, May 1861 / John Hay, (Diary, May 7-10, 1861)
Fearing Attack in Alexandria, Virginia, May 1861 / Judith W McGuire, (Diary, May 10, 1861)
Rioting in St Louis, Missouri, May 1861 / William T Sherman to John Sherman, (May 11, 1861)
Slaves seeking freedom, Virginia, May 1861 / Benjamin F Butler to Winfield Scott, (May 24, 1861)
Defining runaway slaves, Virginia, May 1861 / New York Times, (General Butler and the Contraband of War, June 2, 1861)
Our Cause is just, Louisiana, May 1861 / Kate Stone, (Journal, May 15-27, 1861)
Visit to Washington, May-June 1861 / George Templeton Strong, (Diary, May 29-June 2, 1861)
Massachusetts, May 1861 / John Brown's Body, (May 1861).
Writ of Habeas Corpus, Maryland, May 1861 / Roger B Taney, (Opinion in Ex parte Merryman, June 1, 1861)
I rejoice in this war, Virginia, June 1861 / Henry A Wise, (Speech at Richmond, June 1, 1861)
Blinded, fanatical North, Georgia, June 1861 / Charles C Jones Jr to Charles C Jones Sr and Mary Jones, June 10, 1861
Anglo-American Relations, London, June 1861 / Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr, (June 10-11, 1861)
Cherokee neutrality: Indian Territory, June 1861 / John Ross to Benjamin McCulloch, (June 17, 1861)
Emancipating Northern Opinion, June 1861 / James Russell Lowell, (Pickens-and-Stealin's Rebellion, June 1861)
Washington, DC, July 1861 / Abraham Lincoln, (Message to Congress in Special Session, July 4, 1861)
Unobserved Holiday, Louisiana, July 1861 / Kate Stone, (Journal, July 4, 1861)
Facing the enemy, Missouri, July 1861 / Ulysses S Grant (From Personal Memoirs of US Grant)
Defeats in Western Virginia, July 1861 / Sallie Brock, (From Richmond During the War)
Farewell Letter, July 1861 / Sullivan Ballou to Sarah Ballou, July 14, 1861
Battle of Manassas, Virginia, July 1861 / Charles Minor Blackford, (From Letters from Lee's Army)
Union Army retreats, Virginia, July 1861 / William Howard Russell, (From My Diary North and South)
Death and confusion everywhere, Virginia, July 1861 / Samuel J English to his Mother, (July 24, 1861)
News of Manassas, South Carolina, July 1861 / Emma Holmes, (Diary, July 22-23, 1861)
Straggling soldiers, Washington, DC, July 1861 / Elizabeth Blair Lee to Samuel Phillips Lee, (July 23, 1861)
Terrible shock, Washington, DC, July 1861 / Walt Whitman, (From Specimen Days)
Washington, DC, July 1861 / Abraham Lincoln, (Memoranda on Military Policy, July 23, 1861)
Celebrating Victory, Virginia, July 1861 / Mary Chesnut, (Diary, July 24, 1861)
Noninterference with Slavery, July 1861 / Crittenden-Johnson Resolutions, (July 22-25, 1861)
Assuming command, Washington, DC, July 1861 / George B McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, (July 27, 1861)
Our men are not good Soldiers, July 1861 / William T Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, (July 28, 1861)
Our late awful disaster, July 1861 / Horace Greeley to Abraham Lincoln, (July 29, 1861)
Washington, DC, August 1861 / George B McClellan, (Memorandum for the President, August 2, 1861)
Measure against slavery, August 1861 / Confiscation Act, (August 6, 1861)
Presdt is an idiot, August 1861 / George B McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, (August 8, 9, and 16, 1861)
Battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, August 1861 / E F Ware, (From The Lyon Campaign in Missouri)
Confederate Artillery at Wilson's Creek, Missouri, August 1861 / W E Woodruff, (From With the Light Guns in '61-'65)
Freeing the slaves of rebels, Missouri, August 1861 / John C Fremont, (Proclamation, August 30, 1861)
Modifying a Proclamation, September 1861 / Abraham Lincoln to John C Fremont, (September 2, 1861)
Need for black soldiers, September 1861 / Frederick Douglass, (Fighting rebels with only one hand, September 1861)
Revoking Fremont's Proclamation, September 1861 / Abraham Lincoln to Orville H Browning, (September 22, 1861)
Cherokee-Confederate Alliance: Indian Territory, October 1861 / John Ross, (Message to the National Council, October 9, 1861)
Battle of Ball's Bluff, Virginia, October 1861 / Henry Livermore Abbott to Josiah Gardner Abbott, (October 22, 1861)
Replacing Winfield Scott, October 1861 / George B McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, (October 25, 26, 30, and 31, 1861)
I am tired of incompetents, November 1861 / Charles Francis Adams Jr to Henry Adams, (November 5, 1861)
Preparing for the next battle, November 1861 / George B McClellan to Samuel LM Barlow, (November 8, 1861)
Battle of Belmont, Missouri, November 1861 / Ulysses S Grant to Jesse Root Grant, (November 8, 1861)
Doctor at Belmont, Missouri, November 1861 / Lunsford P Yandell Jr to Lunsford Yandell Sr, (November 10, 1861)
Capture of Port Royal, South Carolina, November 1861 / Samuel Francis Du Pont to Sophie Du Pont, (November 13-15, 1861)
Former slave remembers, South Carolina, November 1861 / Sam Mitchell, (Narrative of the capture of the Sea Islands, November 1861)
Confederate Sermon, Georgia, November 1861 / Henry Tucker, (God in the War, November 15, 1861)
Richmond, Virginia, November 1861 / Jefferson Davis, (Message to the Confederate Congress, November 18, 1861)
Army of the Potomac, Virginia, November 1861 / Harper's Weekly, (Great Review)
Slavery and the Press, November 1861 / Ulysses S Grant to Jesse Root Grant, (November 27, 1861)
Shortages and Inflation, Virginia, Autumn 1861 / Sallie Brock, (From Richmond during the war)
Trent Affair, London, November-December 1861 / Benjamin Moran, (Journal, November 27-December 3, 1861)
War with England, London, November 1861 / Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr, (November 30, 1861)
Washington, DC, December 1861 / Abraham Lincoln, (Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861)
Preparing to enlist, Boston, December 1861 / Charles Francis Adams Jr to Henry Adams, (December 10, 1861)
Song of the Contrabands, Virginia, 1861 / Let My People Go
Not Relying on Foreign Aid, December 1861 / Robert E Lee to George Washington Custis Lee, (December 29, 1861)
President's duty to act, Washington, DC, December 1861 / Edward Bates, (Diary, December 31, 1861)
Lincoln and McClellan, Washington, DC, January 1862 / Irwin McDowell, (Memorandum, January 10-13, 1862)
Bottom is out of the tub, Washington, DC, January 1862 / Montgomery C Meigs, (Memoir of Meetings with President Lincoln, January 10-13, 1862)
This army has got to fight, January 1862 / Edwin M Stanton to Charles A Dana, (January 24, 1862)