As we may live / Vint Cerf
A revolution in medicine / Francis S. Collins
A tiny dot in cosmic time : a big period in human time / George F. Smoot
What's ahead : figures don't lie? / Christian de Duve
What a climatologist cannot know about the next 50 years (but what he does believe) / John R. Christy
No more heart disease / Louis J. Ignarro
The end of psychiatric illnesses / E. Fuller Torrey
Simon Caplan's day / Arthur Caplan
Fifty years from now : today's baby reaches middle age / Wanda Jones
Blogging from the future / Craig Newmark
Progress accelerates exponentially / Ray Kurzweil
An economist predicts / Thomas C. Schelling
Diary entry : 2058 / Chandrasekhar (Spike) Narayan
Deciphering the mega-trends / James E. Cartwright
The way we will be 50 years from today? / Jody Williams
The era of great change is coming / Kim Dae-jung
The future of crime / Ronald Noble
The future of food / Norman E. Borlaug
What does it mean to be human? / Richard Clarke
A brain scientist's perspective / Richard Restak
In harmony with earth's water cycle / Sandra Postel
How will science transform human society? / Gerardus 't Hooft
Where are all the robots? / Shigeo Hirose
Wind farming in Pollyanna land / Peter Doherty
Letters to my grandchildren and great-grandchildren / Stuart L. Pimm
Future cars and the jetsons / Malcolm Bricklin
A world without borders / Abdulla Salem El-Badri
Technology, security, and liberty in 50 years / Lee H. Hamilton
Our place in the universe / Steven Beckwith
Snapshot of a world with the new nation of California / Tim Mack
Our children, our future / Marian Wright Edelman
Landscapes and living conditions / Valli Moosa
Go green by thinking blue / Leon E. Panetta and James D. Watkins
The paradox / Aaron Ciechanover
The transformation / Elias A. Zerhouni
A world without breast cancer / Nancy G. Brinker
Hope for people with brain diseases / Stanley B. Prusiner
A physician's view of the future / Victor Sidel
Clean energy for progress / Claude Mandil
To open the world to all people / Michael Shermer
The view as I glide by / Joseph L. Bryant
One Tuesday in Australia / Barry Marshall
Wake-up call on global warming / Carl Pope, Daniel Becker, and Allison Forbes
Dateline : 50 years into the future / Keith B. Richburg
Leaps and eurekas / Gregory A. Poland
Snapshots of the future with infectious disease : living in a brave new world with age-old scourges / Earl G. Brown
The age of the global citizen / Carol Bellamy
Some words from "Dr. Future" / James Canton
Some warnings, some worries, and a call for leadership / Douglas Osheroff
How our knowledge will increase / Lyman Page
"We will have learned our lesson" / Carol M. Browner
The future of the soul / Richard Dawkins
A bird's-eye view of the next 50 years / Peter Marra
Global climate change and our children / Nsedu Obot-Witherspoon
A way back to wilderness / William H. Meadows
Future world : the bad, the good, and the ugly / Lawrence M. Krauss
Always so much more to discover / John C. Mather
Startling advances and what stays the same / Ahmed H. Zewail
The earth in 50 years : rescue or ruin? / Ross Gelbspan.