pt. I: Getting started with the Internet : What's so great about the Internet?: So what is the Internet?, What's all the hoopla?, Okay, what next? ; Is the Internet safe? Viruses, spyware, spam, and other yucky stuff: Privacy: who's who and what they can tell about you, Security: how people can take over your PC, Spam, bacon, spam, eggs, and spam, Safety: how to keep yourself and your family safe ; Kids and the Internet: Really cool ways kids use the Internet, So-so ways kids use the Internet, Not-so-good ways kids use the Internet, Truly brain-dead ways kids should never do, The Internet and little kids, Surf safe, Sell, sell, sell!, Who's online?, The Internet in schools, A few useful websites
pt. II: Internet, here I come! : Assembling your gear and climbing on the Net: What kind of device do you need?, The types of Internet connections, Internet via smartphones and tablets, Getting wi-fi with your latte, Speedy connections: DSL and cable Internet, I'm in!, Essential software to keep your system safe, Our favorite Internet setup, You're connected: now what? ; Setting up your own network or Wi-Fi hotspot: Just one computer for Internet access? Naah, First, make a LAN, Setting up a router, Wiring your computers into a LAN, Forget the wires: go wi-fi!, Home and office setup ; Welcome to the wild, wonderful, wacky web: What is the world wide web?, Browsing to points unknown, Web surfing with your browser, Viewing lots of web pages at the same time, Browsing from you smartphone or tablet, Getting and installing a browser ; Taking your browser for a spin: Saving stuff from the web, A few of your favorite things, Knowing where to start, Who can remember all those passwords?, Cookies are (usually) your friends, Where have you been?, Blocking pop-up windows, When browsers go bad, Getting plugged in with plug-ins
pt. III: Hanging out with friends online : It's in the mail: sending and receiving email: What's my address?, The web is a fine place to read your email, Doing email on your smartphone or tablet, Reading your email in a mail program, Sending mail is easy, Mail coming your way, To whom do I write?, Avoiding viruses, malware, and other mailborne annoyances.
Putting your mail in its place: A few words from the etiquette ladies: Spam: kill, kill, kill!, Back to you, Sam: replying to mail, Keeping track of your friends, Hot potatoes: forwarding mail, Cold potatoes: saving mail, Sending files by email ; Getting social with Facebook and Google+: Facebook isn't the only social network, Getting started with Facebook, Expanding your profile, Don't miss a thing that happens, Responding to and arguing with your friends, Google goes social with Google+: Tweeting about your life: Getting started, Reading tweets and following twitterers, How to not become overwhelmed by all those tweets, Preparing to tweet, How to tweet, Getting serious about twitter ; Typing and talking online: One-to-one text chat, Abbreviations and smileys for chat, Adding voices and faces, Around the virtual town pump, Look who's chatting
pt. IV: The web is full of cool stuff : Needles and haystacks: finding almost anything online: Your basic search strategy, Search, Ho!, Browsing with directories: The usual suspects: other useful search sites, Finding people, We're from your browser, and we're here to help you, Too many toolbars ; Music and video on the web: Seven ways to get media and one way not to, What are you listening with?, Subscribing to podcasts, Playing music and podcasts, Listening to Internet radio, Watching movies on the web ; More shopping, less dropping: Shopping online: pros and cons, The credit card question, Paying at the store, How little do you want to pay?, Up, up, and away, Even more places to shop, More opinions than than you ever imagined, Real Estate, Questions and answers ; Banking, bill paying, and investing online : Going to the bank without ever leaving home, Dealing with credit cards, Pay for your stuff with PayPal, Send money to your pals, Investing your money online, Budgeting tools
pt. 5: Putting your own stuff on the web : Making a splash online: Ways to go public on the web, Say "cheese!", Organizing your photos, too, Sharing documents and calendars, Plain old files in the cloud, Making your own website, Setting up an online shop ; Blogging: the world reads your diary : What's in a blog?, Writing your own blog
pt. 6: The part of tens : Ten fun things you can do online: Share pictures and videos with your friends and family, Watch movies, TV, and ads, Listen to current and classic radio programs, Play checkers or bridge, Play lots more online games, Find out what your stuff is worth, Build your own jumbo jet, Visit art museums around the world, Tour the earth, Tour the solar system, Build your own world, Read the comics, Share your screen with a friend ; Ten worthwhile things to do online: Feed the hungry, Support a charity while you shop, Find charities that don't waste money, Become a microfinancier or a philanthropist, Educate yourself, Edit an encyclopedia, Digitize old books, Search for extraterrestrial life or cure cancer, Mentor a teenager or young adult online, Adopt a kid.