Step this way / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Graham Ralph ; illustrated by Tom Brannon --
A long winter's nap / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Ken Cuperus ; illustrated by Aristides Ruiz and Joe Mathieu --
Now you see me... / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Katherine Stanford ; illustrated by Christopher Moroney --
Planet name game / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Patrick Granleese ; illustrated by Tom Brannon --
Hooray for hair! / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Karen Moonah ; illustrated by Tom Brannon --
A tale about tails / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Pete Sauder ; illustrated by Tom Brannon --
The tree doctor / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Bernice Vanderlaan ; illustrated by Tom Brannon --
How wet can you get? / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Bruce Robb ; illustrated by Aristides Ruiz and Joe Mathieu --
I love the nightlife! / adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Shawn Kalb ; illustrated by Aristide Ruiz and Joe Mathieu.