The little clan at the Verdurins' (9:03) --
M. Swann- so ardent a lover (10:49) --
Odette de Crécy- a ravishing creature (8:23) --
Swann's first night at the Verdurins' (4:50) --
A new society for M. Swann (9:19) --
Memories of Vinteuil's sonata (5:52) --
Odette's charming entreaties (4:25) --
Tea at Odette de Crécy's (7:08) --
A search- and a rearrangement of orchids (10:25) --
Evening diversions (8:14) --
CD2. Comte de Forcheville- arrival at the Verdurins' (7:49) --
The first public slight- 'No orchid tonight?' (9:27) --
A fresh turn of the screw (13:35) --
Different carriages (7:02) --
Not tonight at the Verdurins' (6:49) --
A Wagnerian duplicity (11:17) --
Kept on tenterhooks (7:17) --
Music at the Marquise de Saint-Euverte's (6:16) --
The arrival of the Princess des Laumes (9:47) --
CD3. Vinteuil's sonata again (7:25) --
The question of Odette (11:50) --
More questions- 'procuresses?' (4:22) --
Daylight falling- waves against a cliff (9:22) --
Place names: the name (8:54) --
Gilberte- in a Poussin garden (4:51) --
Consumed by Gilbert (12:33) --
A special street- Swann's street (10:09) --
The disquieting acacias of the Bois de Boulogne (8:45).