"You're a what"? : understanding how geriatricians think about aging
The biology of aging : an embarrassment of riches that you were never supposed to need
A geriatrician's perspective on ageism : it's not just grandpa who's being put out to pasture
Do no harm, but for God's sake, do something
Cookbook medicine : a recipe for disaster at any age
Bedside matters : do you have an aging-friendly primary care doc?
How many specialists does it take to screw in a lightbulb (or screw you up)?
Care transitions as you get older : cracks you didn't even know you could fall through
No place for sick people : hospitals as we get older
You could become geriatric just waiting : how to emerge from the emergency room unscathed
In search of an honorable discharge
Maybe you're not the problem : disability caused by places and not people (or their diseases)
Home away from home as we age
Complementary and alternative medicine, vitamins, and supplements : who do you believe?
Financial gerontology : the good, the bad, and the phony
It ain't over till it's over (and sometimes not even then) : a geriatrician talks about death and dying
Staying in control : making and encouraging good choices as we age