Introduction / Tracy K. Smith
The gate / Lena Moses-Schmitt
Saudades / J. Jerome Cruz
It was a miracle route everyone had been searching for and the story caused a sensation / Emily Vizzo
Definitions of body / John McCarthy
What do Arabs thinks of ghosts? / Leila Chatti
Pretty moon / Lisa Dordal
Crow's sugar / Alysia Nicole Harris
Midnight, Troy / Nikki Zielinski
Gunshot shards of tiny, steel stars / Trevor Ketner
gay boys and the bridges who love them / sam sax
At Puget Sound I think of my brother / Ellene Glenn Moore
Patmos revisited / Michael Lavers
The real birth of Venus / Kasey Erin Phifer-Byrne
A fetus dreams her father's brain is a tenement / David Thacker
A place where there isn't any trouble / Amy Woodland
Confirmation / Eduardo Martinez-Leyva
What happened / Cassie Donish
For H / Antonina Palisano
Reflection from a bridge / Cristina Correa
From the cabinet of counterweights & measures / Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer
I'm trying to write a poem about a virgin and it's awful / Analicia Sotelo
Not spring / Elizabeth Metzger
Desire lines / Jaydn DeWald
An existential bear / James Davis May
Half-life / Erin L. Miller
Girl, running / Jessica Nordell
White beauty / Danni Quintos
Western slop / Allison Adair
Fallow / Claire Wahmanholm
Bees make me think of my mother / Crystal C. Karlberg
I wish I could say / Clare Paniccia
Songs of thirst : six sijo / Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello
Lullaby for a changling / Jessica Bixel
Infinite regress / Laura Bylenok
Wolf for water / Brian Leary
Land of flowers / AShley Keyser
My father at 49, working the night shift at B&R Diesel / Edagr Kunz
Tuesday ordinary / Damian Caudill
Disaster capital; or, we are made of stardust & will explode / CHristopher Kempf
Former future king / Elizabeth Onusko
Ars poetica / J. G. McClure
The last travel agent / Alicia Rebecca Myers
The frequency of goodnight / Tiana Clark
Dinner at Nonna's / Mary Angelino
The Garden of Eden and the trilobite / Michael Derrick Hudson
Four hawks / Emily Skaja.