disc 1, Motets. Evening prayers. In pace (5:16) ; Libera nos, salva nos (3:49) / John Sheppard ; Justorum animae / Orlande de Lassus (3:06) ; Pater noster / Jacob Handl (4:22) ; O Lord, the maker of all thing / William Mundy (2:51) ; Visita, quaesumus Domine / William Byrd (5:04) ; Abendlied / Josef Rheinberger (3:23)
O Christ who art the light and day / William Byrd (4:25) ; O gladsome light / [melody] Louis Bourgeois ; [harmonized by Claude Goudimel] (1:54) ; Te lucis ante terminum / Thomas Tallis (2:24)
Motets of the Virgin Mary.
Alma Redemptoris Mater (6:52) ; Ave Regina caelorum (3:18) ; Regina caeli laetare (3:35) ; Salve Regina (10:32) / T.L. de Victoria ; Ave Maria / Francisco Guerrero (5:06) ; Bogoroditsye Dyevo / Sergei Rachmaninoff (2:38)
In manus tuas / William Byrd (3:25) ; In manus tuas / John Sheppard (3:56)
disc 2. The office of compline (in plainchant)
(John Harte, reader ; Simon Wall, precentor).