The proceedings of the English colonie in Virginia
A description of New England
The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles
Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New-England
OTHER NARRATIVES OF ROANOKE, JAMESTOWN, AND THE FIRST ENGLISH SETTLEMENT OF AMERICA. Discourse of the first voyage : the first English voyage to Virginia, 1584 / Arthur Barlowe
The journal of the Tiger : the second voyage to Virginia, 1585
Discourse on the first colony : Roanoke, 1585-86 / Ralph Lane
Narrative of his voyage : the fourth Virginia voyage, 1587 / John White
A briefe and true report : a description of Virginia, 1588 / Thomas Hariot
Narrative of the 1590 voyage : the fifth Virginia voyage, 1590 / John White
Discourse : the founding of Jamestown, 1606-7 / George Percy
A relatyon of the discovery of our river : exploration inland, 1607 / Gabriel Archer
A discourse of Virginia : famine and disease at Jamestown, 1607-8 / Edward Maria Wingfield
Relation of Virginea : an English boy among the Indians, 1609-11 / Henry Spelman
A true reportory : shipwreck & rescue, 1609-10 ; from The historie of travell into Virginia Britania : the Indians of Virginia, 1612 / William Strachey
A trewe relacyon : dissention in Jamestown, 1609-12 / George Percy
A true discourse of the present estate of Virginia : expanding the colony, 1609-14 / Ralph Hamor
A short relation : securing the colony, 1610-11 / Lord De La Warre
A true relation of the state of Virginia : the colony prospers, 1616 / John Rolfe.