Death is the ultimate game show
Notes from the land of Dreidels and Hamantaschen
Getting in touch with God
Knock, knock, who's there?
Jesus loves me, this I know
19th Newark Airport breakdown
An airline traveler's prayer
The truth shall make you free
The God lists: God the Father/God the bother
The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God
In the land of seagulls and gingham
Islam. All I'm saying is, I got nothing to say
The suicide bomber's prayer
On being a born-again Christian
A prayer from George W. Bush
Separation of Church and statesmen
He made the blind to walk and the crippled to see
A letter from God's messenger
The one and only Jimmy Swaggart
Death is the ultimate game show --
Notes from the land of Dreidels and Hamantaschen --
Getting in touch with God --
Knock, knock, who's there? --
Jesus loves me, this I know --
Golfing in the Kingdom --
19th Newark Airport breakdown --
An airline traveler's prayer --
The truth shall make you free --
Age of disenlightenment --
A call from Norman Lear --
The God lists: God the Father/God the bother --
The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God --
In the land of seagulls and gingham --
Islam. All I'm saying is, I got nothing to say --
The suicide bomber's prayer --
On being a born-again Christian --
A prayer from George W. Bush --
Separation of Church and statesmen --
He made the blind to walk and the crippled to see --
An ode to "On the Road" --
A letter from God's messenger --
The one and only Jimmy Swaggart --