Disc 1: Psychology, you, and your world --
How and why psychology matters --
Positive psychology: a science of happiness --
Your brain: a user's guide --
Your nervous system, hormones, and behavior --
Understanding and managing stress --
disc 2: Sensation: how you gather information --
Perception: illusions and interpretations --
Attention, sleep, and dreaming --
Consciousness modified: drugs to mindfulness --
Performance psychology in sport and life --
disc 3: Cognitive development across the lifespan --
How language develops and why it matters --
Attachment bonds from infancy to adulthood --
Moral development and situational ethics --
Learning: conditioned, reinforced, observed --
disc 4: Problem-solving and errors of thinking --
Psychology of eyewitnesses and confessions --
Intelligence and creativity --
Emotional intelligence and success --
Adversity and resillience --
Motivation: eating, sex, and achievement --
disc 5: Emotions: why you feel --
Attraction, love, and lasting relationships --
Strategies of persuasion --
Conformity, social loafing, and obedience --
Stereotypes and aggression --
Altruism: origins and opportunities --
disc 6: Explaining personality --
Demystifying psychological disorders --
The epidemic of mood and anxiety disorders --
Understanding and overcoming addiction --
Mindset, health, and general well-being.