From the Book - First edition.
v. 1, pt. I. The Prison Industry pt. II. Perpetual Motion --
v. 2., pt. III. The Destructive Labor Camps pt. IV. The Soul and Barbed Wire --
v. 3., pt. V. Katorga pt. VI. Exile. pt. VII. Stalin is no more.
From the Book - First HarperPerennial edition.
v. 1, pt. 1. The prison industry. pt. 2. Perpetual motion
v. 2, pt. 3. The destructive-labor camps. pt. 4. The soul and barbed wire
v. 3, pt. 5. Katorga. pt. 6. Exile. pt. 7. Stalin is no more.
v. 1, pt. 1. The prison industry. pt. 2. Perpetual motion
v. 2, pt. 3. The destructive-labor camps. pt. 4. The soul and barbed wire
v. 3, pt. 5. Katorga. pt. 6. Exile. pt. 7. Stalin is no more.
From the Book - Abrided edition.
Foreword to the abridgment
Introduction to the Perennial Classics edition
Pt. I. The prison industry: 1. Arrest
2. The history of our sewage disposal system
5. First cell, first love
Pt. II. Perpetual motion: 1. The ships of the Archipelago
2. The ports of the Archipelago
4. From island to island.
Pt. III. The destructive-labor camps: 1. The fingers of Aurora
2. The Archipelago rises from the sea
3. The Archipelago metastasizes
4. The Archipelago hardens
5. What the Archipelago stands on
6. "They've brought the fascists!"
7. The way of life and customs of the natives
10. In place of politicals
12. Knock, knock, knock...
13. Hand over your second skin too!
16. The socially friendly
Pt. IV. The soul and barbed wire: 1. The ascent
Pt. V. Katorga: 1. The doomed
2. The first whiff of revolution
4. Why did we stand for it?
5. Poetry under a tombstone, truth under a stone
7. The white kitten (Georgi Tenno's tale)
9. The kids with Tommy guns
10. Behind the wire the ground is burning
11. Tearing at the chains
12. The forty days of Kengir.
Pt. VI. Exile: 1. Exile in the first years of freedom
3. The ranks of exile thicken
6. The good life in exile
Pt. VII. Stalin is no more: 1. Looking back on it all
2. Rulers change, the Archipelago remains