A conversation with Gabriel García Márquez / Gene H. Bell-Villada --
García Márquez, on second reading / Carlos Fuentes --
Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad / James Higgins --
The humor of One hundred years of solitude / Clive Griffin --
The sacred harlots of One hundred years of solitude / Lorraine Elena Roses --
Aureliano's smile / Michael Wood --
The limits of the liberal imagination : One hundred years of solitude and Nostromo / Jean Franco --
One hundred years of solitude as chronicle of the Indies / Iris M. Zavala --
Banana strike and military massacre : One hundred years of solitude and what happened in 1928 / Gene H. Bell-Villada --
The dark side of magical realism : science, oppression, and apocalypse in One hundred years of solitude / Brian Conniff
Streams out of control : the Latin American plot /