From the DVD - The George Lucas director's cut.
Special features: Disc 1. Widescreen version
Commentary by co-writer/director George Lucas and co-writer/sound designer Walter Murch
Theatre of Noise Experience: Isolated music and sound effects track with master sessions, branching video segments showcasing Murch's pioneering work
Language: English Dolby digital 5.1 ; French Dolby digital 5.1 ; Spanish Dolby digital 5.1
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish. Disc 2. 2 new documentaries: A Legacy of Filmmakers: The Early Years of American Zoetrope and Artifact from the Future: The Making of THX 1138
Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB, Luca's original student film
Vintage production featurette Bald
Original and re-release trailers.