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The Penguin anthology of twentieth-century American poetry
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From the Book
Spoon River anthology : Hill ; Fiddler Jones ; Petit, the poet / Edgar Lee Masters --
Miniver Cheevy ; Mr. Flood's party / Edwin Arlington Robinson --
Creation / James Weldon Johnson --
Poet ; Life's tragedy / Paul Laurence Dunbar --
Death of the hired man ; Mending wall ; Birches ; Stopping by woods on a snowy evening ; Tree at my window ; Directive / Robert Frost --
Patterns / Amy Lowell --
Susie Asado ; Tender buttons : Box ; Plate / Gertrude Stein --
I sit and sew / Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson --
Grass ; Cahoots / Carl Sandburg --
Peter Quince at the Clavier ; Disillusionment of ten o'clock ; Thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird ; Anecdote of the jar ; Emperor of ice-cream ; Of mere being / Wallace Stevens --
Fragment / Angelina Weld Grimké --
Tract ; Danse Russe ; Red wheelbarrow ; Yachts ; Asphodel, that greeny flower (Book I, lines 1-92) / William Carlos Williams --
Moonlight ; There will come soft rains / Sara Teasdale --
Jewel stairs' grievance ; River-merchants' wife : a letter ; In a station of the metro ; Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ; Canto LXXXI : (Libretto: "Yet/Ere the season died a-cold") / Ezra Pound --
Sea rose ; Helen ; Walls do not fall : 1 ("An incident here and there") ; Hermetic definition : "Red rose and a beggar" : 1 ("Why did you come") ; 2 ("Take me anywhere
") ;
5 ("Venice
Venus?") /
Hilda Doolittle (H.D.) --
Gale in April ; Shine, perishing republic ; Clouds at evening ; Credo / Robinson Jeffers --
Fish ; Poetry ; Poetry / Marianne Moore --
Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock ; Preludes ; Waste land / T.S. Eliot --
If we must die ; Harlem dancer / Claude McKay --
Ars poetica / Archibald MacLeish --
First fig ; Recuerdo / Edna St. Vincent Millay --
in Just- ; Buffalo Bill's ; Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls ; next to of course god america i ; somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond ; r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r / E.E. Cummings --
Reapers ; November cotton flower ; Portrait in Georgia / Jean Toomer --
Medusa ; New moon / Louise Bogan --
Dark symphony ; Harlem gallery : Psi ("Black boy, / let me get up from the white man's table
") /
Melvin B. Tolson --
Bridge [excerpts] : Proem : To Brooklyn Bridge ; II : Powhatan's daughter : The river / Hart Crane --
Silent poem / Robert Francis --
Negro speaks of rivers ; I, too ; Dream boogie ; Harlem / Langston Hughes --
Incident ; To John Keats, poet, at spring time ; Yet do I marvel ; From the dark tower / Countee Cullen --
Father and son ; Portrait ; Touch me / Stanley Kunitz --
Musée des Beaux Arts ; Epitaph on a tyrant / W.H. Auden --
My papa's waltz ; Waking ; In a dark time / Theodore Roethke --
Maximus poems : I, Maximus of Gloucester, to you ; Distances / Charles Olson --
Fish ; Sestina ; First death in Nova Scotia ; Visits to St. Elizabeths ; One art / Elizabeth Bishop --
Mourning poem for the queen of Sunday ; Those winter Sundays ; Frederick Douglass ; Middle passage / Robert Hayden --
Effort at speech between two people ; Then I saw what the calling was ; Poem as mask / Muriel Rukeyser --
Heavy bear who goes with me / Delmore Schwartz --
Dream songs : 4 ("Filling her compact & delicious body") ; 14 ("Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so") ; 29 ("There sat down, once") ; 149 ("This world is gradually becoming a place") ; Henry's understanding / John Berryman --
90 north ; Death of the ball turret gunner ; Woman at the Washington Zoo ; Next day / Randall Jarrell --
For my daughter / Weldon Kees --
Different image / Dudley Randall --
Traveling through the dark ; At the bomb testing site / William Stafford --
Scars / Ruth Stone --
For my people / Margaret Walker --
Mother ; Song in the front yard ; Bean eaters ; Lovers of the poor ; We real cool ; Blackstone rangers / Gwendolyn Brooks --
"To speak of woe that is in marriage" ; Skunk hour ; For the Union dead / Robert Lowell --
Often I am permitted to return to a meadow ; My mother would be a falconress / Robert Duncan --
Populist manifesto / Lawrence Ferlinghetti --
Parents / William Meredith --
Because you asked about the line between prose and poetry / Howard Nemerov --
Hyacinth garden in Brooklyn ; August 1945 / Hayden Carruth --
Love calls us to the things of this world ; Cottage Street, 1953 ; Writer / Richard Wilbur --
Sheep child / James Dickey --
Love song : I and thou / Alan Dugan --
"More light! More light!" / Anthony Hecht --
Degrees of gray in Philipsburg ; Freaks at Spurgin Road Field / Richard Hugo --
Poem unwritten ; Caedmon ; Swan in falling snow / Denise Levertov --
American poetry / Louis Simpson --
Muse of water / Carolyn Kizer --
Fresh air ; Permanently / Kenneth Koch --
Morning swim ; How it is / Maxine Kumin --
Behaving like a Jew ; Dancing ; Another insane devotion / Gerald Stern --
City limits ; Corsons Inlet / A.R. Ammons --
Snowfall in the afternoon ; Driving to town late to mail a letter ; Waking from sleep / Robert Bly --
Flower ; I know a man ; Language ; Rain ; Bresson's movies / Robert Creeley --
Victor dog / James Merrill --
Steps ; Poem ("Lana Turner has collapsed!") ; Day Lady died / Frank O'Hara --
Some trees ; Self-portrait in a convex mirror ; What is poetry / John Ashbery --
Bear ; After making love we hear footsteps ; Saint Francis and the sow / Galway Kinnell --
Air ; For the anniversary of my death ; Yesterday ; Chord / W.S. Merwin --
Blessing ; Autumn begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio ; Lying in a hammock at William Duffy's farm in Pine Island, Minnesota ; In response to a rumor that the oldest whorehouse in Wheeling, West Virginia has been condemned / James Wright --
My son my executioner ; Digging / Donald Hall --
Animals are passing from our lives ; They feed they lion ; You can have it ; Simple truth / Philip Levine --
Her kind ; Abortion ; Wanting to die ; In celebration of my uterus ; Rowing / Anne Sexton --
Orion ; Planetarium ; Valediction forbidding mourning ; Twenty-one love poems : XIII ("The rules break like a thermometer
") /
Adrienne Rich --
Marriage / Gregory Corso --
Hay for the horses ; Riprap ; Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout / Gary Snyder --
Far cry from Africa ; Sea grapes ; Schooner : Flight (part 11, After the storm : "There's a fresh light that follows
") ;
Light of the world ; Omeros, Book VII, LXIV, i ("I sang of quiet Achille, Afolabe's son
") /
Derek Walcott --
Let me tell you / Miller Williams --
Idea of ancestry / Etheridge Knight --
Preface to a twenty volume suicide note ; Agony. As now. ; SOS ; Black art / Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) --
Wrong train ; Final sonnet / Ted Berrigan --
Power / Audre Lorde --
poem at thirty / Sonia Sanchez --
Prediction ; Night, the porch / Mark Strand --
Stone is nobody's / Russell Edson --
Singapore ; Summer day / Mary Oliver --
Reunion ; Dead color ; California dreaming / Charles Wright --
homage to my hips ; [at last we killed the roaches] ; death of fred clifton ; to my last period / Lucille Clifton --
Poem about my rights / June Jordan --
1968 / Frederick Seidel --
From my window ; Blades / C.K. Williams --
Mechanic / Diane Wakoski --
Dear John, dear Coltrane ; Last affair : Bessie's blues song ; Grandfather ; Nightmare begins responsibility / Michael S. Harper --
Stone ; Fork ; Classic ballroom dances / Charles Simic --
Grandmother / Paula Gunn Allen --
Ellen West / Frank Bidart --
Spring letter ; Two or three wishes / Carl Dennis --
Allegory of the cave ; Tucson / Stephen Dunn --
History of my heart ; Questions ; Samurai song / Robert Pinsky --
Christmas comes to Moccasin Flat / James Welch --
Introduction to poetry ; Dead / Billy Collins --
Allen Ginsberg ; Weakness / Toi Derricotte --
How to like it ; Lullaby / Stephen Dobyns --
Song ; Pornographer ; Return of Robinson Jeffers / Robert Hass --
My life : A name trimmed with colored ribbons / Lyn Hejinian --
Machinist, teaching his daughter to play the piano / B.H. Fairchild --
But he was cool or: he even stopped for green lights ; Poem to complement other poems / Haki R. Madhubuti (Don L. Lee) --
In memory of the Utah stars ; The accompanist / William Matthews --
Language of the brag ; Lifting / Sharon Olds --
Barbed wire / Henry Taylor --
Black silk ; Under stars / Tess Gallagher --
I do not / Michael Palmer --
Lost pilot / James Tate --
Elizabeth's war with the Christmas bear ; Funeral / Norman Dubie --
August, Los Angeles, lullaby / Carol Muske-Dukes --
Turtle ; Bestiary / Kay Ryan --
Childhood ideogram ; Winter stars / Larry Levis --
Looking for Judas / Adrian C. Louis --
People of the other village / Thomas Lux --
Ballad of Aunt Geneva ; Star-fix / Marilyn Nelson --
Albany / Ron Silliman --
Cuba, 1962 ; Kid ; Finished / Ai --
Thanks ; Tu Do Street ; Facing it ; Nude interrogation / Yusef Komonyakaa --
Song of the Andoumboulou : 21 / Nathaniel Mackey --
Gathering the bones together ; Two lines from the Brothers Grimm ; Origin of the marble forest / Gregory Orr --
Reaching Yellow River / Roberta Hill Whiteman --
Away / Albert Goldbarth --
Language lesson 1976 ; What he thought / Heather McHugh --
In cold storm light / Leslie Marmon Silko --
Calypso / Olga Broumas --
Latin & soul / Victor Hernández Cruz --
Miami heart / Jane Miller --
Iris / David St. John --
Why Ralph refuses to dance ; Girl friend poem #3 ; Crescent / C.D. Wright --
Taking off my clothes / Carolyn Forché --
San Sepolcro / Jorie Graham --
What the living do / Marie Howe --
She had some horses ; My house is the red earth / Joy Harjo --
Legend / Garrett Hongo --
Begotten ; We were simply talking / Andrew Hudgins --
Imagining their own hymns ; Song / Brigit Pegeen Kelly --
Meeting the British ; Errata ; Throwback / Paul Muldoon --
Quinceañera / Judith Ortiz Cofer --
Parsley ; Daystar ; After reading Mickey in the night kitchen for the third time before bed ; Claudette Colvin goes to work / Rita Dove --
Our calling / Alice Fulton --
Thinking of Galileo ; Hatred / Barbara Hamby --
Unholy sonnet 13 / Mark Jarman --
Traveling onion ; Arabic ; Wedding cake / Naomi Shihab Nye --
Nani ; England finally, like my mother always said we would / Alberto Ríos --
Nocturne : Blue waves ; Unfinished / Laurie Sheck --
Field poem ; Oranges ; Black hair / Gary Soto --
Yellow stars and ice ; Forest / Susan Stewart --
Brilliance ; Esta noche ; Bill's story / Mark Doty --
Black Nikes / Harryette Mullen --
Alcohol / Franz Wright --
To my brother ; "Love of my flesh, living death" / Lorna Dee Cervantes --
My wicked wicked ways ; Little clown, my heart / Sandra Cisneros --
Jack Johnson does the eagle rock ; Crows in a strong wind ; I'm a fool to love you / Cornelius Eady --
Indian boarding school : The runaways / Louise Erdrich --
Spooning / David Mason --
How I got that name ; Composed near the Bay Bridge Survivor / Marilyn Chin --
Youngest daughter / Cathy Song --
Another reluctance ; Insect / Annie Finch --
Gift ; Eating together / Li-young Lee --
Our lady ; As from a quiver of arrows / Carl Phillips --
Bag of mice ; Cartoon physics, part 1 / Nick Flynn --
Venus Hottentot ; Affirmative action blues (1993) ; Equinox / Elizabeth Alexander --
White elephants : Million balconies ; Train windows / Reetika Vazirani --
What the orphan inherits ; Powwow at the end of the world / Sherman Alexie --
Hot combs ; Amateur fighter ; Flounder / Natasha Trethewey --
Tantrum / A.E. Stallings --
Spare / Joanna Klink --
Postfeminism ; Your one good dress / Brenda Shaughnessy --
Quivira city limits ; Everywhere is out of town ; Whatever you want / Kevin Young --
At Pegasus ; Lady sings the blues / Terrance Hayes.
From the Book - Paperback edition.
Edgar Lee Masters
Edwin Arlington Robinson
James Weldon Johnson
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Robert Frost
Amy Lowell
Gertrude Stein
Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson
Carl Sandburg
Wallace Stevens
Angelina Weld Grimke
William Carlos Williams
Sara Teasdale
Ezra Pound
Hilda Doolittle (H.D.)
Robinson Jeffers
Marianne Moore
T.S. Eliot
Claude McKay
Archibald MacLeish
Edna St. Vincent Millay
E. E. Cummings
Jean Toomer
Louise Bogan
Melvin B. Tolson
Hart Crane
Robert Francis
Langston Hughes
Countee Cullen
Stanley Kunitz
W. H. Auden
Theodore Roethke
Charles Olson
Elizabeth Bishop
Robert Hayden
Muriel Rukeyser
Delmore Schwartz
John Berryman
Randall Jarrell
Weldon Kees
Dudley Randall
William Stafford
Ruth Stone
Margaret Walker
Gwendolyn Brooks
Robert Lowell
Robert Duncan
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
William Meredith
Howard Nemerov
Hayden Carruth
Richard Wilbur
James Dickey
Alan Dugan
Anthony Hecht
Richard Hugo
Denise Levertov
Louis Simpson
Carolyn Kizer
Kenneth Koch
Maxine Kumin
Gerald Stern
A. R. Ammons
Robert Bly
Robert Creeley
James Merrill
Frank O'Hara
John Ashbery.
Galway Kinnell
W. S. Merwin
James Wright
Donald Hall
Philip Levine
Anne Sexton
Adrienne Rich
Gregory Corso
Gary Snyder
Derek Walcott
Miller Williams
Etheridge Knight
Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones)
Ted Berrigan
Audre Lorde
Sonia Sanchez
Mark Strand
Russell Edson
Mary Oliver
Charles Wright
Lucille Clifton
June Jordan
Frederick Seidel
C. K. Williams
Diane Wakoski
Michael S. Harper
Charles Simic
Paula Gunn Allen
Frank Bidart
Carl Dennis
Stephen Dunn
Robert Pinsky
James Welch
Billy Collins
Toi Derricotte
Stephen Dobyns
Robert Hass
Lyn Hejinian
B. H. Fairchild
Haki R. Madhubuti (Don L. Lee)
William Matthews
Sharon Olds
Henry Taylor
Tess Gallagher
Michael Palmer
James Tate
Norman Dubie
Carol Muske-Dukes
Kay Ryan
Larry Levis
Adrian C. Louis
Thomas Lux
Marilyn Nelson
Ron Silliman
Yusef Komunyakaa
Nathaniel Mackey
Gregory Orr
Roberta Hill Whiteman
Albert Goldbarth
Heather McHugh
Leslie Marmon Silko
Olga Broumas
Victor Hernandez Cruz
Jane Miller
David St. John
C. D. Wright
Carolyn Forche
Jorie Graham
Marie Howe.
Joy Harjo
Garrett Hongo
Andrew Hudgins
Brigit Pegeen Kelly
Paul Muldoon
Judith Ortiz Cofer
Rita Dove
Alice Fulton
Barbara Hamby
Mark Jarman
Naomi Shihab Nye
Alberto Rios
Laurie Sheck
Gary Soto
Susan Stewart
Mark Doty
Harryette Mullen
Franz Wright
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Sandra Cisneros
Cornelius Eady
Louise Erdrich
David Mason
Marilyn Chin
Cathy Song
Annie Finch
Li-Young Lee
Carl Phillips
Nick Flynn
Elizabeth Alexander
Reetika Vazirani
Sherman Alexie
Natasha Trethewey
A. E. Stallings
Joanna Klink
Brenda Shaughnessy
Kevin Young
Terrance Hayes.
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