Teen suicide is a major health problem / Michiko Otsuki, Tia Kim, and Paul Peterson
Suicide myths hamper preventive efforts / Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
Bullying increases the risk of teen suicide / Michael Ollove
Bullying and suicide : the dangerous mistake we make / Katherine Bindley
Native American youth face an increased risk of suicide / Dolores Subia BigFoot
Cultural programs will combat suicide among native American youth / Mary Annette Pember
Volatile mix : kids at risk for suicide can get guns / Maggie Fox
Gay teens face an increased risk of suicide / Randy Dotinga
Teens with Asperger's syndrome may attempt suicide / Tony Attwood
Monitored antidepressant use can help prevent teen suicide / National Institute of Mental Health
Suicide clusters and contagion / Frank J. Zenere
Internet use affects teen suicide risk in positive and negative ways / Tony Durkee et al.