INTRODUCTION: the mismatch: why we can't trust our instincts
1. The Michael Jordan lesson: why people who don't vote and don't follow the news don't think they need to
2. We're political animals: so why aren't we better at politics?
3. Your 150 closest friends: how many people do you know?
4. Why we are surprised when our leaders disappoint us: the mistake even smart voters make
5. 167 milliseconds: the amazing speed at which we draw conclusions about people
6. Lying to ourselves: the high cost of self-deception and why we can't stop ourselves
7. Do we really want the truth? Why we often seem less interested in the truth than we profess
8. Everything happens for a reason: it's just not kids who prefer fairy tales
9. It's like it was still 1974: why people make arguments so transparently feeble they leave others dumbstruck
10. When it happens to you: the limits to empathy
11. The accountant's error: the danger of relying on our gut
CONCLUSION: A way forward: solutions are at our fingertips if only we grasp them
CODA: The widow's advantage: and what we can learn from her.