V.1. The way of illumination. The inner life. The soul, whence and whither? The purpose of life.
v.2 The mysticism of sound. Music. The power of the word. Cosmic language.
v.3. Education. Rasa Shastra. Character-building and the art of personality. Moral culture.
v.4. Health. Mental purification. The mind-world.
v.5. A Sufi message of spiritual liberty. Aqibat, life after death. The phenomenon of the soul. Love, human and divine. Pearls from the ocean unseen. Metaphysics.
v.6. The alchemy of happiness.
v.7. In an eastern rose garden.
v.9. The unity of religious ideals.
v.10. Sufi mysticism. The path of initiation and discipleship. Sufi poetry. Art: yesterday, today and tomorrow. The problem of the day.
v.11. Philosophy, psychology, mysticism. Aphorisms.
v.12. The vision of God and man. Confessions. Four plays.