From the Book - First paperback edition.
Love it or leave it: Okay by me in A-me-ri-ca! --
What is the sound of one hand shopping? A koan for a gilded age --
Sesión privada: playmates; sunshine; despair --
Wildman: stalking the Brooklyn asparagus --
As it is in heaven: chicken wings of desire --
J.D.V., M.I.A.: Joie de vivre, missing in action --
Privates on parade: not folding your genitals into a butterfly means the terrorists have won --
Beach bummer: the loves of a cabana boy --
Morning in America: live from the isle of joy --
Martha, my dear: these are hands; use them --
I can't get it for you wholesale: the $20,000 skirt that was also a defibrillator! Just kidding, it's only a skirt --
Beat me, daddy: singing the log cabin blues --
Whatsizface: death in Venice, California --
Faster: none for me, thanks --
Off we're gonna shuffle: first prize: eternal life; second prize: eternal life in Scottsdale..