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A Prairie home companion folk song book
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From the Book
After Ach, du lieber Augustine --
After Auld lang syne --
After Glow worm --
Ain't it great to be crazy? --
Ain't we crazy? --
Alaska: home on the snow --
All the pretty little horses --
Anybody seen my kitty? --
At the boarding house where I live --
At the jail --
Away with rum --
Babes in the woods --
The bathtub song --
Be kind to your web-footed friends --
The bear went over the mountain --
Beechman's pills --
Beer, beer, for old *** high --
The beer was spilled on the barroom floor --
Beetles --
The Biblical baseball game --
The billboard song --
Billy boy --
Bingo --
Birmingham's my home --
Black socks --
Blest be the tie that binds --
Books of the New Testament --
Books of the Old Testament --
Bosco --
Boys can whistle, girls can sing --
Bring back my neighbors to me --
Bringing in the cows --
Brother John --
Bugs go wild, simply wild, over me --
The bugs marched down the aisle --
The bulldog and the bullfrog --
The butcher's legs --
Bye, baby, bye --
Bye, bye, longjohns --
Camptown races --
Cape Cod girls --
Casey Jones the rooster --
Casey's coffins --
The cat that chewed my new shoes --
Catalina Magdalena --
Charlie, won't you rock the cradle? --
Chaucer's The Canterbury tales --
Cherries are ripe --
Chew, maiden, chew --
Chicken sandwich --
Clementine --
Coffee --
Collard greens --
Come up, dear dinner, come up --
Comet --
Coming through the rye --
Crawdad --
Dakotaland --
The Danube's not blue --
D-A-V-E-N-P-O-R-T --
Deck the halls --
Deck the halls with lefse slices --
Did you ever think --
Do your ears hang low? --
The Dogsology --
Dolly and Teddy --
Donkey riding --
Don't swat your mother, boys --
Don't you call me sweetheart --
Down at the station --
Down by the old garbage slough --
Down in the valley --
The dreidel song --
Dunk! dunk! dunk! --
East side, west side --
Edgar Allan Poe's "The Ravens" --
Eight feet tall, what a doll --
Elbows --
Emily Dickinson --
Farther along --
Fleischmann's yeast --
Floatin' down the Delaware --
Found a peanut --
Four little angels --
The Frenchman's cow --
Froggie he am a queer bird --
Froggie went a-courting --
From the halls of school's dark prison --
The garbageman's daughter --
Glory, glory, how peculiar --
Glory, glory, pork superior --
Glub, glub, glub your boat --
Go tell Aunt Rhody --
Go to sleepy, little baby --
God save the king --
Golly, ain't that queer --
Goober peas --
Good King Wences --
Goodbye, old Paint --
Gooseberry pie --
Granny's in the cellar --
Greasy grimy gopher guts --
The Great American Eagle --
Groundhog --
Groundhog medley --
Guess I'll eat some worms --
Hang your head over --
Have you ever seen? --
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Excelsior!" --
Ho-hum, nobody's home --
A horse named Bill --
How do you like to go up in a swing? --
How pleasant that would be --
Hymn for Syttende Mai: ole, ole, ole! --
Hymn to cheeses --
I ain't gonna grieve my Lord no more --
I ain't got no money --
I don't give a darn for the whole state of Iowa --
I eat my peas with honey --
I have a little dog --
I love to do my homework --
I love to go a-gorging --
I saw Esau --
I shot my poor teacher --
I want a beer just like the beer --
I was born about ten thousand years ago --
I was born one night one morn --
I went to Cincinnati --
I wish I was single again --
I won't marry --
If I were as high --
I'm a villain --
I'm Chiquita Banana --
I'm looking over my dead dog Rover --
I'm looking under a pile of lumber --
I'm screaming at a white sheepdog --
In the Blue Ridge mountains --
In the cellar of Murphy's saloon --
Indicate the way --
It's a long way from amphioxus --
It's raining, it's pouring --
Jesse James --
Jiggs the dog --
Joe's got a head like a ping pong ball --
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt --
Johnny Macree --
Jump rope rhyme --
Junior birdman --
Just when i'm ready to start on my ears --
The king of the Cannibal Islands --
Leave the dishes in the sink --
Lefse --
Let me call you Lizzie --
Let me call you sweetheart --
Let your whiskers grow --
Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky" --
Life is but a melancholy flower --
Little brown jug --
Little furry caterpillar --
The little ole --
Little Willie I --
Little Willie II --
The lollipop song --
Long, long ago --
Louisiana lullaby --
Lousiana rainstorm --
Love to be in Copenhagen --
Lutefisk, o lutefisk --
McDonald's --
McTavish is dead --
The man behind --
Michael Finnigan --
Milkshake --
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school --
Mine eyes have seen the horror of the ending of the term --
Minnesota! --
Mockingbird --
Mother's cookies --
Mrs. Brown --
The mule --
The mushroom --
My body has tuberculosis --
My county's tired of me --
My dame's crane --
My freckle-faced consumptive Mary Ann --
My grandma's advice --
My hand on myself --
My hat it has three corners --
My high silk hat --
My home's in Montana --
My little owlet --
My name is Solomon Levi --
My pappy's whiskers --
My pink pajamas --
My wild Irish nose --
National embalming school --
'Neath the crust of the old apple pie --
Nero, my dog, has fleas --
Never go camping on Labor Day --
New Mexico, we love you --
Next Thanksgiving --
No L --
Nonsense rhymes --
The North wind doth blow --
The nose of Oklahoma smells you --
Now I lay me down to study --
Now we are marching --
O Tom the toad --
O'Brien O'Lin --
O'Dooley's first five o'clock tea --
Oh, ay liff in Minneapolis --
Oh, I had a little chicken --
Oh, I wish I was a ... --
Oh my monster, Frankenstein --
The old Chevrolet --
Old Dan Tucker --
The old family toothbrush --
Old farmer Brown --
Old folks at home --
The old grey mare --
On top of my headache --
On top of Old Baldy --
On top of Old Smoky --
On top of Old Smoky --
Once I went in swimmin' --
One bottle pop --
One fish ball --
Onions --
Onward, Christian bedbugs --
The other day i met a bear --
Over the river and through the woods --
Over there --
Overeducated nursery rhymes --
Papa's billy goat --
Parties, banquets, and balls --
Pepsi-Cola hits the spot --
Perfect posture --
The pie dream --
Pile of debris --
Polly-wolly-doodle --
Poor Nellie --
The posture song --
The preposition song --
P.S. 52 --
The pumpkin on the vine --
Pussy willow --
Put on your new blue bonnet --
Questions --
The red fox --
Respect --
Reuben, Reuben --
Ring around the rosy --
Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" --
Rock me to sleep --
Rootie-toot-toot --
Row, row, row your boat --
The rummy dummy line --
Rye whiskey --
Sail, baby, sail --
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" --
The scarlet bonnet --
School days --
See these young ducks at play --
She, a Jersey cow --
She sat on her hammock --
She waded in the water --
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain --
She's a grand old cat --
Shoo shoo shoo reparoo --
Shovel --
Side by side --
The skinniest man I ever knew --
Skip to my lou --
Smiles that are best of all --
So I climbed up the old apple tree --
The soldier's poor little boy --
Somewhere overindulgence --
Soup --
South Dakota is the sunshine state --
The states song --
Study oft on Sunday --
Suffocation --
Susie had a steamboat --
Sweet and low --
Sweet Dakotaland --
Ta ra ra boom de ay --
Take it out, take it out, remove it --
Tell me why --
That sausage meat machine --
The stepladder in the snow --
There are germs --
There are ships --
There was a little rooster --
There was a rich man who lived in Jerusalem --
There was an old geezer --
There's a long, long worm a-crawling --
This is my Dolly's birthday --
Thistle-sifting --
The thousand-legged worm --
Three jolly fishermen --
Tinkle, tinkle, little pee --
The Titanic --
Today is --
Too much of a name --
Toys, beautiful toys --
Turkey dinner --
Turnip greens --
Two auto songs --
Ve got troubles --
Vive la compagnie --
Vive le captain John --
Wait for the wagon --
Wait 'til we get 'em up in the air, boys --
Waiter, waiter --
The watermelon song --
We come from St. Olaf --
We sing of the polar bear --
We three kings --
We're from Kansas --
We've enlisted in the navy --
The whale song --
What a long, long tail --
What do you do with a dirty family? --
When it's hogcalling time --
When it's springtime in Alaska --
When Pa was a little boy --
When the work's all done this fall --
When we went to Sunday school --
When you come to the end of a lollipop --
While looking out a window --
While shepherds washed their socks --
While the organ pealed potatoes --
Whistle while you work --
White coral bells --
Whoa mule, whoa --
The worm song --
Years ago our baby died --
Yield not to flirtation --
You drove your Buick --
Young folks, old folks (or The silly Sunday school) --
Yuck! cats --
Zekey looked into the gas tank --
Zip up your doo-dah.
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