Introduction / by Vernor Vinge --
The heresy of science fiction --
What we may become. Insistence of vision ; Transition generation ; Chrysalis ; Stones of significance ; News from 2035: a glitch in medicine cabinet 3.5 --
How we'll endure (tales of the Coss domination). The logs ; The tumbledowns of Cleopatra Abyss ; Eloquent elepents pine away for the moon's crystal forests --
When we overcome. Mars opposition ; A professor at Harvard ; I could've done better ; Paris conquers all ; A retrospective by Jules Verne --
Who we'll meet. Fortitude ; An ever-reddening glow ; The Diplomacy Guild ; The other side of the hill --
Where we will go. Temptation ; Avalon probes ; Six-word tales ; Reality check --
Why we'll persevere. Waging war with reality.