Randi Jones
Midnight Releasing
Pub. Date
An intense psychological thriller based on the true life story of Theresa Knorr, a truly disturbing and dark story. A disturbed mother of four delivers an unimaginable level of abuse to her children while defending her actions with her own twisted interpretations of the Bible. Hank a husband who is desperate to leave his failed marriage and distant wife but finds leaving more difficult than he originally planned. Grace is the youngest of three sisters...
Time Life
Pub. Date
Each year, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame honors rock music's pioneering figures during a prestigious black-tie ceremony. As the Hall of Fame enters its third decade, it's these singular induction ceremonies-featuring the biggest names in classic rock from the '60s, '70s and '80s-that have become nearly as epic as the artists they celebrate. This 4-DVD set features poignant reunions, moving and often hilarious induction speeches, and 44 iconic performances....